Social Dances

- 19 h taster class)
- 20 h social dance, live: house band
- ca. 21 h open jam session, social dance
- until ca. 24 h
Next Dates:
- Tuesday, 21.1.2025 (at Treff Bleiweiß)
- Tuesday, 18.2.2025 (at Treff Bleiweiß)

Sunday Tea Dance
One Sunday per month we take out our fastest feet and meet in the cosy Café Tellerrand in Nürnberg Muggenhof for speedy dances while enjoying delicious coffy and cake in a living-roomy industrial atmosphere.
The DJs play swing music suited for dancing Balboa and Shag.
This event is taking a break.

Brü Brü Brückenswing
Outdoor Swing Social Dance,
Mondays, 19 h, during school’s summer holidays.
Picnic atmosphere, live swing music.
Dates: every Monday between 29. July and 9. September
- Live 5.8.24: Ted’s Roadhouse Gang (donations appreciated)
- Live 12.08.24: OYABÁ (donations appreciated)
- Live 19.08.24: Andreas Weiss (Piano-Swing, donations appreciated)
Start: 19 h
Location: Under Theodor-Heuss-Brücke in Nürnberg
Photo by Josefine

Wednesday Social Dance
Weekly Wednesday swing social in Erlangen.
- Every Wednesday
- During semester (university): social starts after classes at about 22 h.
- Semester break: 20 h unless there’s a taster from 20–21 h
- Summer break in August
Check out the calender for locations and dates.

Big Band Bounce
Big dance floor, big band, big night!
1 or 2 times a year swing dance night with Big Band Langwasser.
- 19 h taster class
- 20 h social dance with BIG BAND LANGWASSER
- until ca. 24 h
Location: Großer Saal, Gemeinschaftshaus Langwasser, Nürnberg
Next Date:
23. November 2024
SWING AND BLUES in the lovely wine bar Weinerei – free, and open for everyone. Sometimes there’s a dance taster, so bring your non-dancing friends and enjoy a night out!
Weinerei, entrance from Königstraße in the back of Ostermayerpassage, Nürnberg
20–1 h.
Often this social dance night is set in a workshop weekend, so check out the calendar.