All Swing Open Training






One Saturday a month.
Practice for all swing dances.

Winter Wonderland Blues 2024

Save the date: 13.–15.12.24 in Erlangen

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Lindy Hop

Original swing dancers Willa Mae Ricker & Leon James

Original swing dancers Willa Mae Ricker & Leon James

Considered the grandparent of most swing dances, the Lindy Hop originated in Harlem (New York) ballrooms such as the famous Savoy in the late 1920’s and evolved later into many forms as Rock’n’Roll, Boogie Woogie, and Jive.
It was danced to big band music and was characterized by “breakaways” in which partners in a couple separated and improvised steps individually and the Swing Out, where partners were swinging around each other, opening up at the end. The dance can be wild and spontaneous, with frenzied kicks and body movements, or it can be cool and sophisticated. Later called the “Jitterbug“, it exploded in popularity across the USA throughout 1930-1950 and has been brought into the world mostly through the American soldiers and the Hollywood movies.
The Lindy Hop owes much to African American influence, particularly Charleston, Jazz and Tap steps. In 1943, Life Magazine characterized Lindy Hop as “America’s National Folk Dance”. There exist many different styles of Lindy Hop. The most well known are Savoy and Hollywood Style.

Frankie Manning was one of the people who was there when the Lindy Hop became famous for the first time and had a comeback when in the late 1980’s swing dancing once again became popular. Click on the picture to enlarge the article.


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